Michael Lucero and the Lady with two curls (with references)

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Michael Lucero and the Lady with Two Curls <Tab/>Michael Lucero's artwork expands traditional Western ideas about what art is, the origin of art, and how to unify cultural artifact-styled pieces in a utilitarian way. His work is distinguished by the different ways that he incorporates many cultures including Pre-Columbian, Native American, European, Afro-Carolinian, and the vernacular and popular media. This fusion helps our own understanding of art on a different …

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…love for material, a ravenous appreciation of art from many cultures, and a marvelous sense of humor into works that never fail to surprise and delight. References Bass, Ruth. "Michael Lucero: American Craft Museum. Art News 96 (April 1997): 130 Leach, Mark Richard. Interview. Michael Lucero: Sculpture 1976-1995. 1996: 17-36. Levy, Estelle. "Michael Lucero: Hearts of Clay." Ceramics Monthly (March 1990): 35-6. Lippard, Lucy R. "Flowers and Songs that Intertwine." Michael Lucero: Sculpture 1976- <Tab/>1995. (1996): 37-47.