Michael Henchard's Confrontation of Moral Beliefs Book Title: The Mayor of Casterbridge Auther: Thomas Hardy

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Michael Henchard's Confrontation of Moral Beliefs In the novel, The Mayor of Casterbridge, many circumstances and external forces compel Michael Henchard to confront his moral beliefs. Firstly, unexpected action, idea and notion under specific condition can confront one's moral beliefs. The novel opens with Henchard, his wife and baby daughter arriving at Weydon-Priors. Mr. Henchard is a hay-trusser who hopes to find work there. However, he is depressed to learn from a local that no …

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…love for her. He cannot bear the thought of a life of loneliness without Elizabeth-Jane at his side. Henchard's fearing of the loss of Elizabeth-Jane causes his action contradicts his moral beliefs. Henchard's consciences betray his moral beliefs. Henchard's wickedness and corruption of his mentality wins the battle over his moral beliefs. In conclusion, abrupt external forces, forced circumstances and intense emotions compel Michael Henchard to confront his moral beliefs in The Mayor of Casterbridge.