Michael Collins Biography Fighting Spirit

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Fighting Spirit It was in County Cork, Ireland, 1890 when 75 year old "Michael Collins" watched his wife bring into the world his 8th child, "Michael Collins junior." "Michael" was the youngest of 8 siblings and in the short 6 years "Michael" new his father he and his siblings were strongly influenced and encouraged by him to become involved in poetry, reading, and other curriculum activities. As Michael grew older he became increasingly involved in sports and particularly enjoyed …

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…civil war broke out. Many of Collins close associates were now dead and Collins was distraught. On August 22, Michael Collins was on a tour of inspection in the Cork area when he was ambushed and killed with a single gun shot wound to the head. Thousands of people lined the streets of Dublin for the funeral of Michael Collins in a display of public grief and more recently, a movie was written about Michael Collins.