"Mi Familia"

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Pages: 5
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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
The movie "Mi Familia" portrays a Mexican/American family dealing with daily struggles of living in a society where their ethnicity is not of the majority. It features themes that penetrate to the heart of the immigrant experience in America as well as class and culture differences. It shows us that family ties are eternally binding and can survive the roughest of winds. The characters in the movie can be somewhat stereotypical of most Mexican …

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…changed greatly since 1848. Furthermore, we should realize that we do have our own culture and identity because we belong to neither country. We should take pride in who we are Mexican-Americans, or Chicanos and also refer to ourselves as Mexicans or Mexican-Americans not to convey a national identity but an ethnic one. Being Mexican has nothing to do with where you live or what you speak, being Mexican is being proud of whom you are.