Mexico City

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Mexico City Site and Situation: Mexico City is the largest city in Mexico. It is located in the south central part of the country in the Disuto Federal (Federal District). Mexico City is situated in the Valley of Mexico, a highland basin at an elevation of about 2350 m and is bounded by mountains on three sides. Much of Mexico City is built on the former bed of Lake Texcoco which is spongy and prone to …

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…nothing more serious than theft or car jackings. I see in the future this only getting worse. More people are immigrated to Mexico City form other parts of Mexico in search for a better quality of life. With so many people doing this, things are not going to improve. I feel that both optimists and pessimists can come into agreement when foreseeing future problems due to water and air pollution, soil degradation, global climatic change.