Mexican Americans.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Mexican Americans are also known as Chicanos, Xicanos, Mexicanos, La Raza, and Mex-Americans. While the term Chicano has gone in and out of fashion since the late 1940s, it is still the preferred identification for many Mexican Americans. The term Mexican American, on the other hand, is commonly used in government documents, by the mainstream media, and by Mexican Americans in interactions with other ethnic groups Mexican Americans are a multiracial people, joined together by …

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…Spanish. Over the decades, Mexican American Spanish has been so heavily influenced by English that many refer to it as Spanglish, a combination of Spanish and English. Each local Mexican American community incorporates different words from these languages, making its Spanglish unique. Through this peculiar form of trilingualism, combining English, Spanish, and Spanglish, Mexican Americans assert the value of their immigrant heritage. The complex nature of Mexican American language use reflects the community's hybrid identity.