Meursaults Just BeCause Murder

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Albert Camus' The Stranger explores the causes for Monsieur Meursault's murderous act, portraying Meursault's increasing feelings of indifference toward life following his mother's death. Meursault becomes ignorant to social values and conventions, thinking they constrict him, for he veers toward the 'I don't disrupt what you're doing, so don't disrupt what I'm doing' outlook. He is more interested in the simple, physical actions rather than emotional feelings because he finds routine and reliance there. Physical …

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…but he physically pursued the positive approach because the emotional bonds did not matter. The Cure's Robert Smith wrote a song entitled "Killing an Arab", and in it, he wrote, "I can turn and walk away, or I can fire the gun, staring at the sky, staring at the sun, whichever I choose, it amounts to the same, absolutely nothing". It is a shame indifference can become a blinding factor when the consequences do matter.