Methamphetamine: It's hisotry and impact on the environment, your health and Society in the US.

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Essay Database > History
Methamphetamine: Impact on America <Tab/> What is Methamphetamine? What are it's ingredients and it's effects on people? What is this drug's history? <Tab/>Methamphetamine is a very powerful stimulant drug. People make produce and distribute Methamphetamine illegally all over the US. It Strongly activates certain systems in the brain. Side effects include nervousness, insomnia, nausea, hot flashes, sweating, anxiety and paranoia. Methamphetamine has many nicknames, too. It …

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…people in the US, and the way the media reports meth incidents makes the society outlook very bad. <Tab/>As you can see, We all are affected by meth abuse, even if it isn't us that creates or ingests this powerful drug. Through health, environment, taxes and society issues, everyone pays a price. The question that will forever and always stand is: Why do we have to pay for other's mistakes?