Metamorphosis By: Franz Kafka

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
The externally transition that Gregor undergoes is very sudden and abrupt. He awakes to discover that he been transformed into an insect. He even still sounds human enough that he assures his mother that he is getting up out of bed soon. The voice soon dissolves into unintelligible animal squeaks. He begins to worry about his career, his duties, and his relatives. Although the external changes were sudden, the internal changes only come gradually. As …

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…Gregor isolated. The family kept Gregor in because his new image was too horrifying for his family to deal with and because Gregor was only being used for his money. Since he was not doing his part for his family, they had no use for him, and therefore locked him away so Gregor couldn't live how he wanted to. His family was just too worried about themselves financially to wonder why the metamorphosis took place.