Mercy killings and if the action is right (Euthenasia).

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Death is a fact of life. And sometimes death can be painful. A small percent of people say that when death is painful, the person should be relieved of the agony of life. Euthanasia is what the term is for "having mercy" and ending a person's life. A large number of people in the United States do not condone euthanasia. I do not believe in euthanasia. Pain and suffering of a patient is not an …

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…the United States. I would not want to live in a place where murders can be protected. No one wants to suffer. And death can sometimes be scary and depressing for both patient and on looker. There are people that say anyone who is terminally ill should have their life taken to end the suffering. I believe that taking another human life, whether the person is pain or not, the act is still considered murder.