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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
[delete this- Prompt: "Take a stance on a controversial issue in current society. Persuade your reader to agree with your perspective. It is fine to include your own opinions, but make sure to back up everything you say with credible sources."] In August 9, 1967, Robert Waskins, a twenty-three-year-old college student, killed his mother by shooting her three times in the head. When the police arrived and advised him of his rights to silence, he simply replied: "…

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…is the good thing and the precondition of all good things. Any decision to end it in any context, for self or for another, must be slow, deliberate, and reverential. But the life that is good also bears the mark of the tragic. These are times when the ending of life is the best that life offers. Moral man will see this, and then, more than ever, he will know the full price of freedom.