Mercutio's Characteristics

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Romeo and Juliet( one of Shakespeare's best play ) is about two people, from rivaling families, fall in love and (finding that they can not keep their love from their parents) take their lives. But there is more then one character within the play, one of which is Mercutio. Even though he does not like the Capulets , he is still a good friend. Though Mercutio can make jokes at the worst of times, he is also …

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…towards Romeo. Overall Mercutio shows that he is brave, a loyal friend, and at the same time funny throughout Romeo and Juliet. The reason Shakespear probably put a character like Mercutio into Romeo and Juliet was to give the story more than one genera so that it would not be just a sad story but also a comedy and an adventure. All of this proves that he is one the best characters within the play.