Mental Illnesses Portrayed in A Beautiful Mind and Girl Interrupted.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Mental Illnesses Portrayed in A Beautiful Mind and Girl Interrupted This paper will identify two different mental illnesses and how each separate one is presented in a movie. Borderline personality disorder will be discussed in relation to Girl Interrupted and schizophrenia will be discussed in relation to A Beautiful Mind. Borderline personality disorder, which effects only about 2% of the United States population, seems to be one of the most "controversial" mental illnesses today because it …

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…usually are aware of and react to annoying sounds, and there were a few scenes where John Nash acted like he was not even aware of them. However Alicia, his wife was there for him and loved him throughout his whole breakdown and recovery and that is one of the main things that help someone get through the illness. Overall both Girl Interrupted and A Beautiful Mind portrayed an accurate role of the two illnesses.