Mend it, don't end it: Affirmative action.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Affirmative action is an intervention that is aimed at giving management a chance to correct an injustice, a mistake, or outright discrimination. Affirmative action is a policy to encourage equal opportunity and to level the playing field for groups of people who have been and are discriminated against. After many years of immigration, the United States has become a melting pot for people all over the world with a wide-range of races and ethnicities. This …

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…gradual growth in which the minority penetrates into society, the present mandate of affirmative action should not be abolished because of the avenue it creates for the evenness of diversity in school, employment and the providence of equality. Nevertheless if affirmative action is banned what would be a suitable replacement for it? Moreover we should abide by presidents Clinton's strong endorsement of affirmative action on July 19, 1995 which he advised saying "Mend it, don't end It."