Menachem Begin

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Menachem Begin affected the Jews, the Middle East, Great Britain, and the world at large. Starting at his earlier years he was enrolled in several armies, a member of Zionist and Nationalist groups. Menachem was a right-wing extremist who promoted violent acts towards the Arabs and Great Britain due to their threat to him and Israel. The peace treaty between Israel and Egypt which Menachem Begin signed is still in effect today. This treaty is …

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…backpage of To Win Or To Die A PERSONAL PORTRAIT OF Menachem Begin by: Ned Temko  Political and Military Leaders. The Grolier Library of International Biograghies Volume 6 The Phillip Lief Group, Inc. 1996  An Open Letter, Reprinted from The Protestant, April, 1944  New York Herald Tribune, December 10, 1946  Currivan, Gene. New York Times January 4, 1946  McMullen, Roy. New York Tribune Inc. February 19, 1947  New York Times. October 12, 1944  New York Times. September 21, 1945  WebSite #1,