Men in the Sun by Ghassan Kanafani

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Ghassan Kanafani is one of the famous Arab writers who represent resistance literature. His writings were mainly devoted to depict the struggle of his people and ignite new resistance acts against Israeli forces of occupation. The writer affirmed the strong determination of the Palestinian people to liberate their occupied lands whatever the cost would be. Kanafani was a writer and journalist from Acre, the editor of al-Hadaf. A member of the Political Bureau of PFLP …

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…them to their death for he only cares to fulfill his personal needs. The road represents the struggle of life that the characters go through to reach their dreams and the desert represents the obstacles that keep them for achieving those dreams. The three men should have knocked to be saved but they never did, the Palestinians, like wise, need to raise their voice in order to be heard just like knocking on the tank.