Memories of childhood in "Looking For Dad", "My Grandmother" and "The Sick Equation"

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Memories from our childhoods are often remembered for the rest of our lives. They can range from small things like playing in the park or a birthday party to important milestones such as a first kiss or the first day of school. Now matter how small or insignificant these events seemed at the time, they will be treasured for ever and looked back on as some of the best times of your life. The memories …

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…of childhood. "Looking For Dad" talks about divorce and separation, "The Sick Equation" discusses the affects of domestic arguments and "My Grandmother" is about the death of a loved one. But the themes that are constantly mentioned in all the poems are regret and isolation. This shows that maybe bad memories are more memorable than the good ones and the scars left by these experiences will always remain fresh in the minds of the characters