Mellamo and Maileena

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Mellamo and Maileena At the beginning of time, little life existed in the vast universe. No planets existed, only a man, a moon, a sun, and many of his cherished stars inhabited space. The man was named Mellamo. Mellamo was content living on the moon and polishing each star. Yet, there seemed to be a void in his life. Out of loneliness, Mellamo would often talk to the stars and sing to the sun. There …

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…blue for her eyes. Mellamo began to make more beings, not for him, but for Maileena to enjoy. Mellamo planned for these beings to treat her kindly and praise her for the beauty he too admired. Thus, all the new beings Mellamo created were sent to live on the green and blue sphere. Mellamo also decided to punish himself for his temper, thus, he continues to live on the moon alone and polishing the stars.