Melana Marchetta's "Looking for Alibrandi", "The Conciliation" and "The National Picture" from the stimulus book.

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Change is a paradoxical notion, which involves the conflict between internal indecision and external influences. It is a process of transition achieved through the mechanisms of reflection, self-evaluation and learning. Change can be embraced or feared, but the consequences of change must inevitably be dealt with. This is the salient factor of change that is responsible for shifts in perspective, as it facilitates greater knowledge and understanding, which broadens our current perspectives and influences our …

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…and the notion of sacrifice and re-evaluation being inextricable bound to the process of change. Change is explored on physical, emotional, social and contextual levels in these texts, and the composer manipulates and challenged our perceptions of change through the use of vivid imagery and figurative language. Most prominently though, it can be seen that the salient factor of change responsible for these shifts in perspective are those characteristics of change that make it inevitable.