Medieval to Modern world: What changes need to be made in order to go from a medieval to a modern world? Compared and contrasted PRIMES of both worlds.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The Feudal system was the best system of government known to Europe during the Middle Ages. It had a system of politics, a system of religion, very basic education, a military, simple currency, and social classes. Though it was considered perfect then, it still had flaws. Many changes needed to be made to the medieval society in order to produce a modern society. Feudalism had the Pope, a religious leader, at the top of the …

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…a market economy filled with foreign and domestic goods is established. After undergoing the changes from Feudalism to modern society, Europe can be able to advance much quicker technologically, culturally, and economically. With better lifestyles for a variety of people, one is completely right to call Europe the "center of the world" or the "melting pot of cultures." With each change that takes place, Europe becomes one step closer to becoming a perfect modern society.