Medical marijuana...why not?
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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Medical Marijuana...Why Not?
There is much controversy surrounding the issue of a medication that has been used around the world as early as 3000 BC. This drug used was that derived from a plant called marijuana ( Cannabis sativa ). It was used in these early times in India, Central Asia, and China for various illnesses. This, of course, was long before the days of science using multiple types of chemicals to form prescription and over the
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not physically addicting and no physical withdrawal symptoms occur when use is discontinued. In conclusion, why should such a big deal be made about something so apparently simple that helps people with relief of their chronic diseases? The answer...there shouldn't! This whole situation has been made into such a stupid controversy that can be easily solved through a simple solution. Therefore, I'll ask you to think and answer this question, "medical marijuana...why not?"
not physically addicting and no physical withdrawal symptoms occur when use is discontinued. In conclusion, why should such a big deal be made about something so apparently simple that helps people with relief of their chronic diseases? The answer...there shouldn't! This whole situation has been made into such a stupid controversy that can be easily solved through a simple solution. Therefore, I'll ask you to think and answer this question, "medical marijuana...why not?"