Medical Aspects of the Holocaust Inhumane Medical Experiments, Dr. Mengele, Eugenics

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
Throughout life, one must entrust another completely with his or her mental and physical health. Physicians take an oath at the beginning of their careers that they will protect people however they are possibly able. When ill, it is important that a person can trust a doctor to do everything in his power to make the patient well again. During the Holocaust many doctors' ethics were doubted, and for justified reason. Within the concentration camps …

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…Education...A Legacy Forum. 8 April 2004. <>. <Tab/>"Mengele." 8 April 2004. <>. <Tab/>"Study Finds Similarities in U.S. and Nazi Eugenics Efforts." Yale Bulletin & Calendar vol. 28, 21. 8 April 2004. <>.<Tab/>