Media, short essay but good

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Certain Democratic principles help shape the American media system. Because of this, there is concern of the relationship of the mass media to government. As a result of the concerns, there are Democratic Expectations of Media Performances. These include surveillance of the sociopolitical environment, meaningful agenda-setting, platforms for advocacy by politicians and spokespersons of other causes and interest groups, dialogue across a diverse range of views, mechanism for holding officials accountable, incentives for citizens to …

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…and years. Based on the Social Learning Theory, the receptiveness of something soon becomes internalized and as in the Liberation Theory, misinformation gets taken in and internalized by both the privileged and targeted groups. Therefore, if my family wasn't white, in the middle class, didn't speak English and had parents that were divorced, then I would be considered abnormal. The media had its share in contributing to the socialization of racial stereotypes and racism. (Holtzmann 31)