Media Violence's Effect on Children

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Media influence encompasses the Internet, newspapers, books, and most prevalent of all- television. In 1950, only ten percent of American homes had a television but by 1960 the percentage had grown to ninety percent. Today ninety-nine percent of homes have a television; there are more homes with televisions than telephones ("Facts About Media Violence and Effects on the American Family"). Media influences our thoughts and actions. The barrage of violent material Americans are subjected to on a …

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…Television is the largest source of violent material and it is directed at all of society but the most impressionable view the most violence. Violent television creates a violent mental indoctrination to society. At minimum people think about violence either as aggressor or victim more; at worst an individual rapes and kills someone. Somehow violence needs to be decreased as entertainment not given a silly label like "rated R" that draws the rebellious to it.