Media Studies - television report on Etheopia

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Write about an effective piece of journalism that you have watched. Television is a good median for changing feelings and emotions just from a simple news report. I looked a Michael Beurks memorable 6.00 report on the 23rd of October, 1984 for the bbc news. Millions of people sat and watched this report all over the UK. His report was dedicated to the people of Ethiopia, he showed us their famine. He opened in Korem, Ethiopia showing …

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…forget it because it was so disgusting and cruel." I think Beurk mainly aimed this report at adults who at the time were sitting down to their dinner that they take for granted, but the outcome changed alot of people, not only adults but children as well. To conclude I think that the peice was very powerful as 20 years later people still remember the horrendus disaster, it shows just how effective the media can be.