Media Stereotypes

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Today, every one of us is spending more of his leisure time watching TV. The shows on the TV influence our decision process According to the established sense in the society, femininity and masculinity are tightly bound to gender. Men are supposed to be masculine. They are expected to be strong, rough, to have high stamina. They are not supposed to wear skirts (the Scots are an exception) but trousers, and should avoid colors like …

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…ball team, you see the tomahawk chop and chants at these baseball or football games. Television's most prominent black men are athletes and entertainers. On the court, on the field, on the rap stage, they are heroes to both Whites and Blacks, particularly to the young. What does this do? They may give an impressionable viewer the notion that speed, strength, and bad language will do for them what it has done for its heroes.