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Essay Database > History
Stephen Ekstrom In ancient Greece women were viewed as many things. They were not viewed as equivalent to males by any means. Women were portrayed usually as submissive domestic, and controlled. They played supporting or secondary roles in life to men, who tended to be demanding of their wives, but expected them to adhere to their wishes. In the tragedy Medea, written by Euripides, Medea plays the major role in this story, unlike most Greek …

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…e queen, her children, a make her husbands future and happiness more bleak than that of her own. Medea was able to go through with her revenge because, as she became possessed by her passions for revenge and her cruel and spiteful mindset. Medea was a clever woman, and used others ignorance as a means to obtain her goal, and in turn she has broken down how Athenian women were viewed by their counterparts, men.