Medea- Explain how Medeas hate for Jsaon and Glause motivate her actions and lead to her eventual downfall.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
<Tab/>In many works of literature, the behavior of a character or group of characters is motivated by emotion. In Euripides' drama Medea, Medea is motivated by hate. Her hate causes her to do many hurtful things to Jason and Glause. Throughout the story Medea suffers the consequences of her actions and her actions have an overall effect on Medea. <Tab/>Throughout Medea, Medea's actions take place …

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…profoundest theme: passion can overtake ones clear judgement and drive them to a point of insanity. Medea's passion for Jason caused her to go mad when he left her. Her lust overtook her judgment so much that she committed one of the most inhumane acts that a mother can do, kill their children. Clearly, Medea's actions being affected by her hate for Jason and Glause transforms Medea into a work of startling depth and power.