Meat packing industry and The Jungle

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In our American history we have come across many debating issues. Many issues have been dealt with on small scales but other issues have become very serious. A lot of serious issues were dealt with during the time period of industrialization. With many debates such as monopolies and trustbusters of big corporations, working conditions and techniques often became unrecognized in the politically debating time period. Upton Beall Sinclair (1878-1968), was an American writer and social …

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…June 30, 1906. The act forbade foreign and interstate commerce in adulterated or fraudulently labeled food and drugs. (Pure Food) After all this dilemma and conflict, we all basically feel better because now we have a hint on what meat packing companies used to put into there products and that we know they don't do those acts anymore we the consumer thank the pure food and drug act for its sanitation laws toward these meat packing fools.