Measuring Customer Satisfaction research proposal

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Measuring Customer Satisfaction at ImageStream Statement of the Problem, Research Question and Purpose ImageStream Internet Solutions, Inc. is a privately held company in its 9th year of operation. ImageStream engineers, manufactures, and distributes Linux-based routing products for network and Internet applications. ImageStream products are used by Internet service providers (ISPs), governments, schools, and businesses in more than 75 countries around the world. As ImageStream moves toward its next decade, market forces require it, like most high …

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…took to address the issue? Dichotomous / UnstructuredDid ImageStream solve your problem? oYes oNoIf No, what else do you feel we could have done to solve the problem? Dichotomous / UnstructuredImageStream's technical support staff met my expectations: oStrongly Agree oAgree oNeutral oDisagree oStrongly Disagree oUnable to RateDo you have any specific recommendations on how we could meet your expectations better in the future? UnstructuredPlease add any comments you would like to share about your experience with ImageStream.