Maybe Tomorrow

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Storytelling is an integral part of life for Indigenous Australians. From an early age, storytelling plays a vital role in educating children. The book MAYBE TOMORROW narrated by Boori Pryor with Meme McDonald was out March 1998. It is an intimate, provocative and deeply moving autobiography of one Aboriginal man's life, which is author's life, his successes and failures, triumphs and tragedies, told in a compelling, honest and uplifting way. Boori is an engaging performer and …

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…he explains the forces which have moulded and shaped his life including traditional Aboriginal beliefs. Overall, Boori Pryor uses the conventions of narration very well to achieve his purpose. He describes himself as a "grain of sand in this land we call Australia". The effectiveness of his work is summed up in the quotation on the cover of the book "I can see right there in front of me the face of a nation changing".