Matters of Race

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
The program that I'm going to describe has been broadcasted on Public Television Channel 28 on September 23, 2003. It concerns race relationship in different environments of the US and from different prospectives. The program is divided in three parts; the first one (the one that I'm going to describe) is about a small town in North Carolina where there has been a recent mass immigration of Hispanics. Ten years ago, Siler City, North Carolina, was a black …

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…the facts are very accurate because a lot of research has been put on it from the author; also is trying not take any racial side by interviewing the different ethnic groups of the town and giving everyone his voice. The program addresses the following questions: how does rapid change in racial demographics affect small-town America? What happens when white people and white culture no longer dominate? What visions of the future do residents have?