Matisse - The Green Line

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Stylistic Analysis of Madam Matisse: The Green Line Henry Matisse, one of the most influential members of the Fauve movement, was responsible for much of the attention brought to it and its respective members. One of his works, Madame Matisse: The Green Line, more or less serves as an excellent example of what he was trying to accomplish in art: the use of color to express and convey emotionsThe composition of the work consists of …

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…lyrical use of color to create an art of balance, purity, and serenity. He was able to use the initial ideas created in the Fauve movement and advance them beyond what any other artist in the period had done previously or after. In fact, one might say that Matisse was the artist who ensured the lasting impression of Fauvism on artistic expression and that it would not be what it is today without his influence.