Mathematics and The Great Pyramid: Facts and Fictions

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The Great Pyramid of Gizeh is on top of the list of Wonders of The World. The monument was built for the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu around the year 2600 BC to serve as his tomb and is believed to have been built over a 20 year period. The construction of the Great Pyramid has had far-reaching consequences, from sparking the interest of amateur astronomers to influencing Newton's law of gravitation. The Great Pyramid and its mathematical conundrums …

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…Pyramids, Special issue dedicated to Olaf Pedersen on his sixtieth birthday. Centaurus 24 (1980), Orcott,Larry. Catchpenny mysteries of Ancient Egypt, 2000.<Tab/><> Piazzi- Smyth, C. Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid. Garber Comm, 1980 Sampsell, Bonnie M . The Ostracon (Journal of the Egyptian Study Society), Vol. 12, No.1 Taseos, Socrates. Mystic Places: The Great Pyramid. 1990. <>