Mastering Yourself

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Mastering Yourself Alan Soble's quote is clearly a non-scientific view of masturbation because masturbation has many benefits to ones sexuality and is by no means an aimless, goalless, [and] purposeless (Soble, 1991). In the following pages I will prove that masturbation is a natural and healthy part of personal and sexual growth that is essential to understanding your body during adolescence and young adulthood. Masturbation benefits both sexes in the adventure of personal sexual growth in …

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…children to hide the behavior and to be secretive and even ashamed of their bodies, while parents who are tolerant of their children's emerging sexuality can teach them to respect and take pride in their bodies. Lastly a study by Leitenberg et al. (1993) found that there was "no relationship between the frequency of masturbation as an adolescent and later experience with sexual intercourse, sexual satisfaction, sexual arousal, or sexual difficulties in relationships (Sexuality and Gender, 146)".