Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein".

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein: Criticized Heroism Heroes are typically the world's saviors. Everyone wants to be one, although most of the true heroes in society are not recognized as they should be. Heroes are by definition those that are much admired or display true courage. For example, Hercules is the man of strength while Spiderman is here to protect his fellow man, but what about Mary Shelley's Victor Frankenstein? All these heroes, created in the minds …

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…of the times. Many have not achieved what Frankenstein has, but if they had would they have treated the monster differently? How would the world be different if Victor accepted and taught his creation the ways of human life? Although Victor is a literary hero, he would have been a more complete hero had he accepted the monster and helped him to live a fruitful life as a human instead of casting his masterpiece aside.