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Essay Database > History
5.) Discuss the main tenets of Marxism. In what ways was this ideology an extension of the thought of the Enlightenment? In what ways did it deviate from those ideals? Socialism granted a powerful language for the working-class to express their interests. Many workers, who were enfranchised in the latter portion of the century joined political parties espousing this doctrine. Socialism existed before Karl Marx presented himself to the scene. In fact, Marx drew from the …

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…desirable, but more importantly it was inevitable. The laws of history dictated that capitalism would collapse, having created within itself the means of self-destruction, specifically the proletariat uprising. Marx provided his ideology with the boost it needed to become the faith of millions, through proclaiming his own brand of socialism as scientific. In the nineteenth century, when science was regarded with respected glorification, declaring ideas scientific was solid way to gain popularity and a following.