Marx and Alienation

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
The four ways in which Marx contributes alienation of the modern worker to the exploitative social institution of capitalisms, still nearly a century after its conceptualization have a profound impact in the modern world. Marx believed that the more a society becomes industrialized the more its workers will become alienated from there work thus themselves. I personally would definitely agree with this assessment due in part, the way society is set up today. Theirs an …

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…touched on how alienation caused worker to become estranged from themselves. I'm assuming Marx is saying when an individual doesn't have control over the things necessary for his or her survival that alienates them from there inner self or human nature. Karl Marx without a doubt was truly one of the greatest sociological thinkers and visionaries that ever lived. His sociology, if you look at America is still relevant, and is continuously exploiting the masses.