Marufa sultana

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
vSTOPPING BY WOODS ON A SNOWY EVENING Stopping by woods on a snowy evening is perhaps the most well known poem by ROBERT FROST ; in fact, this is the single poem through which FROST is known to many . This poem is suggestive of profound thoughts and utterances about human life and death, the great leveler. The poem opens with the speaker standing in the woods. The scene and means employed to portray it, call our …

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…some times it is called literal meaning. The snow is falling, the woods are inviting, this all indicate the surface meaning. We can image by sense organ. When Frost says woods and horse we can image the real horse and woods. Symbolism means the use of things or objects that represent ideas. Woods indicate a sort of temptation miles as journey of life. In figurative sense the poet describe the horse as some human characteristics.