Marufa sultana

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Subject----make a comparative study between sonnet 18 and 130. Sonnet 18 and 130 The term sonnet has come from the Italian originated in Italy. To make a comparative study we can find figures of speech, imagery, theme etc. In sonnet 18 here the poet praise his friend's beauty and in 130 he neglected his beloved beauty. In 18 the poet would like to compare the beauty of his friend to the beauty of a day in summer. But he thought …

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…with sun, lips with coral, hairs like wires, cheeks with roses, breath with perfume, voice with music, and walking style with goddess. Here the imagery is sun, lips, rose, hairs, snow etc. The marvelous pictures are-- 1--coral is far redder than her lip's red 2---if snow were white, why then her breasts are dun These 2 poems are both subjective. Here the poet express this 2 poem his deep love. These are the comparative study between 2 poems.