Marufa sultana

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Essay Database > Literature
Sub-- What is the tone of a speaker of the poem and how do we understand the tone. OZYMANDIAS Perscy bysshe shelley Ozymandias is one of the best sonnets that Shelley wrote. Technically the poem confirms to the sonnet form in having 14 lines. Ozymandias a Greek form of an Egyptian name. In its rhyme scheme is ab ab ac dc ed ef . . Theme-nostalgia for the past idea that things change and nothing will stay in …

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…and the heart of the king ozymandias who harbored the passions of pride. In pedestal it was written that ozymandias is an emperor and people would feel disappointed because they would not be able to equal him. Bur there was nothing except the broken statue. There was a colossal wreck and there was no living being. In ozymandias, however shelley is content with a limited objective a straightforward piece of irony, and he succeeded completely.