Martin luther king's letter from birmingham jail study

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The letter was ostensibly conceived in response to a letter that had recently run in a local newspaper which had claimed that the protest were "unwise and untimely." However King also deliberately wrote his letter for a national audience. We believe that King states in the first sentence himself that he does not usually comment upon the criticism of his work. Yes he does criticize the white clergymen but basically he is trying to tell …

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…will bring about all the positive changes required and that eventually with time negroes will attain their rights. They are simply not willing to understand the pain of the negroes. He was disappointed because they were not willing to understand or listen to the opinions of the negroes and they did not effort whatsoever in being able to bridge the differences that society had created for the negroes, but they did not do anything whatsoever.