Martin Luther vs. Karlstadt and Muntzer

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Essay Database > History > European History
After the Diet of Worms, Luther had to find a place where he would be out of harms way. A Prince close to Luther took him away to Wartburg. He was safe physically, but not emotionally; for while there, he could not defend his ideas and it hurt and angered Luther more than a dagger ever could. While Luther was away, Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt (famous for changes in the church) and Thomas Muntzer took …

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…example, Luther's letters stated above probably had more people follow his word then Muntzer's rebuttal in his letter to Frederick the Wise. Muntzer was furious with Luther's letter calling Luther a, "mendacious man" and states that Luther is a, "pompous tyrant, and full of ferocity and hate." All three of these men no doubt have already had a great impact in the reformation. It seems to me that so far, Luther has won round one.