Martin Luther King Vs. Malcolm X.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were both respected ministers and established leaders of the African-American people. These two men, how different they may have seemed to be, had the same goal: They wanted to end exploitation, discrimination and racism against the Blacks. One used the means of non-violence, and the other was willing to gain freedom by "any means necessary." Both had been deeply influenced by their fathers, especially by their pride to be …

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…the US in Vietnam. Towards the end of their lives, both found themselves deserted by many followers Malcolm because he became too moderate and Martin because he became too radical. Martin has often been called "the Dreamer" and Ossie Davis named Malcolm "Our Shining Black Prince". Both became role-models for the African-American youth. WORKS CITED Haley, Alex. The Autobiography of Malcolm X. New York: Ballantine Publishing, 1964 White, John. Black Leadership in America. Longman: New York, 1985.