Martin Luther King, Malcolm X: compared and contrasted.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The violent and racist hatred of whites towards black people started with the forging of slavery, in the "new world" of North America massive amounts of labour were needed to farm the sugar and cotton plantations of the American south. British merchants went to Africa and offered tribal chiefs arms to fight their adversaries in exchange for people forced into labour, the slave trade was born. In the Holocaustic conditions of the crowded boats many …

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…especially became role-models for the African-American youth and as with most great leaders achieved more in death than they had in life. Martin and Malcolm probably could have accomplished even greater changes and prevented many crisis, if they hadn't been assassinated at the age of 39, who can tell what impact they would have had if they had lived longer and joined forces as they were more likely to do at the end of their lives.