Martin Luther King Jr. Essay

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday was first agknowledged as a national holiday in 1986. However, his life had become a part of Americans for years before this. To many African Americans whose rights he helped expand, to many other minorities whose lives his victories touched, and to many whites who welcomed the changes his leadership brought, Mr. King's life seemed overwhelming even as he lived it. He is celebrated as a hero not only for …

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…his accomplishments, but media neglected the severe rasicism caused against him his final three years. Instead the love given for his victories are focused on still today. We often talk about the spirit and the accomplishments of the middle of Mr.King's career. For many born after his death, he is known best for the "I Have a Dream" speech, which reflects this spirit. He delivered this speech in 1963, at the height of his fame.