Martin Luther King Jr.: A Champion of Rights and Freedoms.
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Essay Database > Society & Culture
Martin Luther King Jr.
When anyone mentions the name Martin Luther King Jr. many thoughts could come to mind. You may think about how he was a great civil and religious leader. Or that he was a devoted husband and father. Another thought could be about how he was a man recognized throughout the world as an activist for human rights. All of these things, and many more, are true about a man who played
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especially those in the southern states, could still be fighting the same civil rights battles that they were fifty years ago. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a hero and a martyr who helped make society what it is today. "I can't fight for laws to make people like me, but I can fight for laws that will not allow them to lynch me in the streets. And that's pretty important." -Martin Luther King Jr.
especially those in the southern states, could still be fighting the same civil rights battles that they were fifty years ago. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a hero and a martyr who helped make society what it is today. "I can't fight for laws to make people like me, but I can fight for laws that will not allow them to lynch me in the streets. And that's pretty important." -Martin Luther King Jr.