Martin Luther King

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Essay Database > Literature
By 1960, Black activists had gotten everything they claimed they wanted in the 1940s and '50s, namely desegregation. Several years after this great Black victory, nothing had really changed. The only thing that would ever enable Blacks to succeed was hard work and self reliance, but an aspiring, ambitious individual named Martin Luther King saw no money in telling the truth. King decided to make a career out of exploiting White guilt and using racial …

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…black aamericians oppose the methods of martin luther king because he was the one who started to stop discrimation he had the power,his powers led to the great speech at washiton dc millions of pupils came and listen to the "i have a dream"speech,he show how the world will improve if they stop discrimination,martin lurther king led the the bus boycott and martin luther king was awarded the peace noble prize.