Martin Luther King

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Essay Database > History > North American History
You may find it strange that a young woman from South Africa is writing an essay about "How Dr Martin Luther King Jr. influenced my life". This, however, is the power and magic of the life and words of this great man - his influence extended around the world and touched even me, 3000 miles away and twenty years later. Early in the 20th century, Mohandas Gandhi started his political career in South Africa, resisting the …

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…be a part of the dream stated so well by Vincent Harding of the Iliff School of Theology: "King lives...we saw him facing the tanks in Tiananmen Square, dancing on the crumbling wall of Berlin, singing in Prague, alive in the glistening eyes of Nelson Mandela. He lives within us, right here, wherever his message is expanded and carried out in our daily lives, wherever his unfinished battles are taken up by our hands."