Marriage and family according to the legal system.
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Pages: 5
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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Australian Bureau of statistics defines family as "two or more persons, one of whom is at least 15 years of age, who are related by blood, marriage (registered or de-facto), adoption or fostering, and who are usually resident in the same household." The family is the basic unit of society and for this reason; all aspects of family life are governed by the law. Birth, marriage, death and all relationships between partners and their
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sued. As a marriage is a union of two people with a mutual duty of maintenance, marriage revokes all existing wills. If a partner dies without leaving a will, or if the will is invalid, this is known as dying intestate. In this case, the laws of intestacy are referred to, as defined in the Family Provisional Act 1966. The property is left to the spouse, spouse and children, parents, brothers and sisters in that order.
sued. As a marriage is a union of two people with a mutual duty of maintenance, marriage revokes all existing wills. If a partner dies without leaving a will, or if the will is invalid, this is known as dying intestate. In this case, the laws of intestacy are referred to, as defined in the Family Provisional Act 1966. The property is left to the spouse, spouse and children, parents, brothers and sisters in that order.